Showing results 1-10 of 96.
2 Commonwealth Ave, Unit 14c, Boston, Massachusetts
Back Bay
2 Bed / 2 Bath / 1685sf.
MLS #: 73331555
425 Newbury Street, Unit Ps-218, Boston, Massachusetts
Back Bay
Studio / 169sf.
MLS #: 73313611
15 Follen St, Unit 3, Boston, Massachusetts
Back Bay
2 Bed / 1 Bath / 770sf.
MLS #: 73330100
430 Stuart, Unit 30e, Boston, Massachusetts
Back Bay
2 Bed / 3 Bath / 1471sf.
MLS #: 73317871
430 Stuart, Unit 32d, Boston, Massachusetts
Back Bay
2 Bed / 3 Bath / 1622sf.
MLS #: 73332182
110 Stuart St, Unit Ph3, Boston, Massachusetts
Back Bay
3 Bed / 4 Bath / 2574sf.
MLS #: 73290685
386 Commonwealth Avenue, Unit 3, Boston, Massachusetts
Back Bay
2 Bed / 1 Bath / 770sf.
MLS #: 73333462
1 Dalton Street, Unit 2410, Boston, Massachusetts
Back Bay
Studio / 1 Bath / 440sf.
MLS #: 73296694
15 Hereford Street, Unit 2, Boston, Massachusetts
Back Bay
4 Bed / 3 Bath / 2606sf.
MLS #: 73242831
647 Boylston Street, Unit Ph3c, Boston, Massachusetts
Back Bay
3 Bed / 3 Bath / 2956sf.
MLS #: 73331787
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A&S Realty, Inc and their agents make no warranties or representations as to the accuracy of this data, although good faith efforts have been made to ensure that the data displayed on this page is as accurate as possible. In certain cases listings are syndicated through another agency, management company, or through the MLS. A&S Realty, Inc is not responsible for the data that is displayed from a syndicate partner. Listings may no longer be available, pricing may be subject to change, and any photos or descriptions may be of a similar unit or from a previous year.