Showing results 1-10 of 17.
84 Bunker Hill St, Unit 1, Boston, Massachusetts
1 Bed / 1 Bath / 550sf.
MLS #: 73306460
368 Main St, Unit 2, Boston, Massachusetts
Charlestown's Sullivan Square
1 Bed / 1 Bath / 640sf.
MLS #: 73267593
42 Eighth Street, Unit 5201, Boston, Massachusetts
Charlestown's Navy Yard
2 Bed / 2 Bath / 914sf.
MLS #: 73298174
20 Chestnut Street, Unit 1, Boston, Massachusetts
2 Bed / 2 Bath / 1550sf.
MLS #: 73300593
21 Mystic St, Unit 1, Boston, Massachusetts
2 Bed / 1 Bath / 628sf.
MLS #: 73332478
41 Green Street, Unit 2, Boston, Massachusetts
3 Bed / 2 Bath / 1594sf.
MLS #: 73332948
56 Belmont St, Unit 3, Boston, Massachusetts
4 Bed / 4 Bath / 2745sf.
MLS #: 73304768
1 Pier 8 13th St, Unit Dock B, Boston, Massachusetts
2 Bed / 2 Bath / 900sf.
MLS #: 73309534
99 Pearl St, Unit Six, Boston, Massachusetts
1 Bed / 1 Bath / 719sf.
MLS #: 73291734
85-b 13th Street, Unit 85b, Boston, Massachusetts
2 Bed / 1 Bath / 1209sf.
MLS #: 73311011
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