Flax Pond Multi-Family Attention Investors, Contractors, or Cash Buyers presenting this 3-Family Home which is a rare opportunity that holds immense potential for your next project. The 1st floor consists of a living room, kitchen, bedroom, 1 bath & small office/den. The 2nd floor consists of a living room, kitchen, 2 bedrooms, 1 bath. The 3rd floor consists of a living room, kitchen, 2 bedrooms, 1 bath. There are some hardwoods floors. Each unit has rear porches that need to be completely rebuilt. All three units have separate utilities. The exterior of the property has wood shingles that need to be painted and an older asphalt roof that needs to be replaced. Bring your vision to this prime piece of real estate in a desirable location. Property will not qualify for FHA. .All offers due by Tuesday, Jan 28 th by 5:00 p.m. Seller requests 48 hours to review all offers.
MLS Listing ID: | 73325200 |
Listing Price: | $639,900 |
Listing Status: | Contingent [?] |
Property Type: | Multi Family |
Bedrooms: | 6 |
Full Baths: | 3 |
Living Space: | 2676 sf. |
Lot Size: | 0.16 acres (6944 sf.) |
Parking: | Yes |
Taxes: | $7,710.00 |
Tax Year: | 2024 |
Listing Current as of February 13, 2025 2:00pm
This listing brought to you by Michael Connor of Connor Real Estate.
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