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148 Liberty Street located in downtown Lynn is a handsome brick 4-story elevator apartment building consisting of twenty-four (24) residential units. The asset offers an attractive unit mix of seven (7) two-bedroom units, and seventeen (17) one-bedroom units with recently renovated common areas. The offering presents a strong value-add opportunity for investors with an entry cap-rate of 5.8% and a stabilized cap rate of 7.7%. The property is surrounded by many amenities, restaurants, commuting routes into Boston, and public transportation. Tenants are responsible for their own separately metered utilities such as heat, hot water, and electric making this an ideal investment. The property has undergone a number of capital improvements such as common area lighting, flooring, painting, masonry pointing, hot water tank replacements.

  Open House: February 18th 11:00-1:00pm

MLS Listing ID: 73317676
Listing Price: $5,090,000
Listing Status: Price Changed [?]
Property Type: Multi Family
Bedrooms: 31
Full Baths: 24
Living Space: 13376 sf.
Lot Size: 0.11 acres (4817 sf.)
Parking: -
Taxes: $41,061.00
Tax Year: 2024

Listing Current as of February 13, 2025 11:00am

This listing brought to you by Dan Pouladian of North Shore Realty Advisors.

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