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Location! Location! Location! Welcome to Church Street! This Mixed- use building is currently being used as Commercial and Residential. Unit one is commercia , and units 2 and 3 being used as residential. Unit one is commercial space that is currently available or can be converted into an apartment (all piping there) Second Unit is a 3 bedroom, 1 full bath and the Third Unit is a 3 bedroom, 1 full bath. Both units are rented, main level/commercial space is empty and has multi use potential. This property is right in the middle of it all conveniently located off Broadway in Everett near shopping, schools, house of worships, parks, walking/bike trails, casino and public transportation. One off street parking space with property. Coin Operated Laundry in Basement. So much potential with this home in a growing community. Text listing agent with questions and/or showing requests.

MLS Listing ID: 73330489
Listing Price: $1,099,000
Listing Status: Contingent [?]
Property Type: Multi Family
Bedrooms: 6
Full Baths: 3
Living Space: 3895 sf.
Lot Size: 0.04 acres (1751 sf.)
Parking: Yes
Taxes: $8,054.08
Tax Year: 2024

Listing Current as of February 09, 2025 8:00am

This listing brought to you by Kathryn Philbin of Andrew Philbin.

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