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Conveniently Located, Completely Remodeled, 2 Bedroom, 2 Bath, 2 Car Parking with Supplied Stackable Laundry in Unit. Fully Applianced Kitchen, Large Island with Hide-away Microware and Elegant Wine Refrigerator. Living Room with Electric Fireplace. Extra Storage in Basement.

MLS Listing ID: 73330374
Listing Price: $850,000
Listing Status: Active [?]
Property Type: Condo
Style: 2/3 Family
Rooms: 3
Bedrooms: 2
Full Baths: 2
Living Space: 916 sf.
Lot Size: -
Parking: Yes, Off-Street, Paved Driveway, Exclusive Parking, Off-Street, Paved Driveway, Exclusive Parking
Taxes: -
Association Fees: $159.00

Listing Current as of February 09, 2025 10:00am

This listing brought to you by Tammy Devito of Century 21 North East.

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