Don't let the street name fool you, this multi-family home is better than good. This perfectly placed two family home is ready to make money immediately or offset an owner occupant's mortgage. Each unit is equipped with two bedrooms and one bath, and your tenants will love the gas oven, bright spaces, and high ceilings. The pristine original floors offer a glimpse into this well cared for home's rich history in one of Brighton's most sought after neighborhoods. The shared backyard overlooks a park through mature trees ensuring some rare outdoor privacy within the city limits. Throw in the private driveway and the potential found in the finished basement complete with full bathroom, separate rooms, and private entrance and you'll agree this home can't be missed.
MLS Listing ID: | 73326469 |
Listing Price: | $1,100,000 |
Listing Status: | Contingent [?] |
Neighborhood: | Brighton |
Property Type: | Multi Family |
Bedrooms: | 4 |
Full Baths: | 3 |
Living Space: | 2500 sf. |
Lot Size: | 0.09 acres (4000 sf.) |
Parking: | Yes |
Taxes: | $10,356.00 |
Tax Year: | 2024 |
Listing Current as of February 13, 2025 1:00pm
This listing brought to you by Brendan Malanga of William Raveis R.E. & Home Services.
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