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MOTIVATED SELLER SAYS BRING ALL OFFERS! 52 Brookledge St. is ideally situated in one of Boston's most vibrant Neighborhoods. Whether you're looking for income-generating property or a Spacious Residence with room for extended family, this TWO FAMILY BRICK - STYLE HOME is an Excellent Investment! Live in one unit and rent out the other, or enjoy the entire space as your own. The property sturdy construction and desirable location ensure long-term value. The first floor apartment boasts Four bedrooms, One bathroom, a bright living room, and kitchen. The unit offers generous space throughout. The second floor invites you into two level living space. Enjoy Four Bedrooms, Two bathrooms, Generous Living Room, and walk- up attic. The property features a Full walk-out basement,providing easy access to the backyard. This property Offers off - street parking and a detached garage for added convenience and storage. Proximity to the highway, local colleges, schools and an array of restaurants.

MLS Listing ID: 73319671
Listing Price: $1,075,000
Listing Status: Active [?]
Neighborhood: Dorchester
Property Type: Multi Family
Bedrooms: 7
Full Baths: 3
Living Space: 4800 sf.
Lot Size: 0.16 acres (6754 sf.)
Parking: Yes
Taxes: $8,913.00
Tax Year: 2024

Listing Current as of February 14, 2025 9:00am

This listing brought to you by Danette Juba of Todd A. Sandler REALTORS®.

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