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161 Allston Street is a 7 unit apartment building located in the Allston submarket of Boston, Massachusetts. This rare opportunity offers investors the chance to own a turnkey building in one of the most sought after sections of Boston. The property is sandwiched in between Boston College, Boston University, Saint Elizabeth's Medical Center, New Balance Headquarters as well as the ever-expanding Boston Landing mixed-use project. The subject property sits just 200 feet from the Allston Street Station on the Green Line. This transit-oriented location allows tenants easy access to all of Boston. The property was completely gut-renovated in 2023. All plumbing and electrical was updated, full sprinkler system was put in, new energy efficient windows were installed, and kitchens and bathrooms were updated. The property also features separate gas heating and water meter systems in which the tenants are responsible for heat and hot water costs.

MLS Listing ID: 73317400
Listing Price: $6,000,000
Listing Status: Active [?]
Neighborhood: Allston
Property Type: Multi Family
Bedrooms: 25
Full Baths: 8
Living Space: 6690 sf.
Lot Size: -
Parking: -
Taxes: $23,861.00
Tax Year: 2024

Listing Current as of February 06, 2025 8:00pm

This listing brought to you by Evan Griffith of Marcus & Millichap Real Estate Investment Services.

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