Inquiry Submitted
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These apartments are perfectly located for convenient commuter access to Downtown Boston as well as Mission Hill and all that Centre Street has to offer.Additionally, this property is conveniently located for a variety of universities and academic centers including Northeastern University, Wentworth Institute of Technology, and Emerson College. This apartment's photos are representative of this apartment's layout, appearance, and amenities, however due to logistical reasons, the images may be of a similar apartment renovated by Groma, but not the actual apartment. Lease must end 9/1/2024 (option to renew or extend to 9/1/2025 on signing at then-market rate).
Listing ID: | 73320848 |
Rent: | $3,250/mo. |
Available: | Now |
Status: | Active |
Location: | Jamaica Plain |
Bedrooms: | 3 |
Bathrooms: | 1 |
Living Area: | 1400 sf. |
Parking: | Street Parking, Permit Required |
Pets: | Yes |
Included Utilities: | - |
Listing Current as of February 14, 2025 10:00am
This listing brought to you by Groma Team of Groma Realty, LLC.
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A&S Realty, Inc and their agents make no warranties or representations as to the accuracy of this data, although good faith efforts have been made to ensure that the data displayed on this page is as accurate as possible. In certain cases listings are syndicated through another agency, management company, or through the MLS. A&S Realty, Inc is not responsible for the data that is displayed from a syndicate partner. Listings may no longer be available, pricing may be subject to change, and any photos or descriptions may be of a similar unit or from a previous year.