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This Convenient First Floor 3 Bedroom 1 Bathroom with Heat and Hot Water Included in Bostons Mission Hill Neighborhood is Desirably Located Not Far From Roxbury Crossings Orange Line Train Station, The Bikeable Southwest Corridor, The Reggie Lewis Track and Athletic Center, The Brigham Circle and Longwood Areas with Great Local Eateries and Medical Facilities, Prominent Museums, as Well as Notable Higher Educational Institutions Including Northeastern and Wentworth Institute of Technology. Having Been Just Recently Renovated, The Units Interior is Graced with Freshly-Laid Vinyl Flooring Throughout Including Inside its Spacious Bedrooms with Good Closets. Also Featured are an Extra Bonus Room/Office and Ensuite Laundry Hook-Ups Within an Eat-in Kitchen with Ample Maple Cabinets Plus Brand, New Gas Stove & Refrigerator. Lead Paint Certification Available. On-Street Permit Parking Available. Strong Credit and References Required.

Listing ID: 73325788
Rent: $3,418/mo.
Available: Now
Status: Active
Location: Mission Hill
Bedrooms: 3
Bathrooms: 1
Living Area: 1100 sf.
Parking: Street Parking, Permit Required
Pets: Yes w/ Restrictions
Included Utilities: Heat, Hot Water

Listing Current as of February 12, 2025 9:00am

This listing brought to you by Jonathan Marsh of At Home Real Estate Group, Inc.

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