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AVAIL FEB/MARCH: Charm and Amenities abound in this remodeled 2 bedroom/ 1 bath unit within a classic brick building. This renovated rear unit looks over a large garden area with a private deck and features central A/C, recessed lighting and upgraded features including a brick feature wall! The kitchen boasts stainless refrigerator, dishwasher, gas stove and microwave, custom cabinets and granite counters + backsplash. The bathroom has a large walk in shower and laundry is in a separate hallway closet. Both bedrooms are large and have great natural light and hardwood flooring. Located across from the Gumball Lofts and the Greenway, and blocks to Airport/Maverick T stations, and numerous restaurants and bars! First/Security and Broker Fee required at lease signing. Good credit and proof of income. Pets negotiable.

Listing ID: 73325807
Rent: $2,900/mo.
Available: Now
Status: Active
Location: East Boston
Bedrooms: 2
Bathrooms: 1
Living Area: 700 sf.
Parking: Street Parking, Permit Required
Pets: Yes w/ Restrictions
Included Utilities: -

Listing Current as of February 12, 2025 8:00am

This listing brought to you by Meg Grady of Lantern Residential.

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