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All Utilities are Run by Electricity as Well as All Stainless Appliances in the Units Updated Granite-Countered Kitchen Which Include an Electric Stove, Refrigerator, and Microwave. Natural Hardwood Floors are Laid Throughout Including Inside Each Room Which Have Separate Heating Zones and Offer Manual Controls to Save on Heating Costs. Shared Laundry is Also Available!! This Roxbury 2 Bedroom 1 Bathroom on the Second Floor of a Mixed-Use Brownstone is Not Far Great Local Grocery and Eatery Spots Like Nubian Markets, and From the Ever-Developing HUB of Nubian Square with Newer Retail Shops & Restaurants, Major Bus Terminal, a State-of-the Art Library, and New Construction Projects Underway Such as the Benjamin Franklin Cummings Institute of Technology. Decent Credit and Strong References Required.

Listing ID: 73330159
Rent: $2,800/mo.
Available: Now
Status: Active
Location: Roxbury
Bedrooms: 2
Bathrooms: 1
Living Area: 1050 sf.
Parking: Street Parking, Permit Required
Pets: Yes w/ Restrictions
Included Utilities: -

Listing Current as of February 09, 2025 10:00am

This listing brought to you by Jonathan Marsh of At Home Real Estate Group, Inc.

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